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Vin Brulè, a remedy against the cold
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Vin Brulè, a remedy against the cold

Monday, 03 December 2018 Categoria: blog

Vin Brulè, a remedy against the cold

Today we are talking about one of the traditional Veronese recipes: Vin Brulè.

Among the symbols of the winter period, this drink combines perfectly with the Christmas atmosphere and is a tasty remedy against the cold.

From ancient origins, mulled wine – which is also mentioned in the De re coquinaria, an ancient recipe book written by Marco Gavio Apicio – was prepared by the ancient Romans initially mixed with honey and other spices (such as pepper and saffron) and served - after a meal - to help digestion.

In the Middle Ages, however, it was called "Ipocras", rich – according to legend – of healing properties.

In France, between 800 and 900, it was better known as "the wine of street poets", as it served as a source of inspiration for their theatrical performances in the streets of Paris.

In the Veronese countryside, to warm up after whole days spent in the cold, the farmers used to go back to their homes and prepare the mulled wine, drinking it warm near the warmth of the fireplaces.

But how do you prepare mulled wine?

What we need is:
• 1 liter of red wine
• 150 g. of sugar
• 12 cloves
• 1 cinnamon stick
• 1 lemon

Ready all the ingredients, pour our red wine in a pot and heat it on the fire without boiling it.
Now it's time to add the cloves, cinnamon and lemon peel cut into thin slices.
Over low heat, we put – little by little – the sugar, mixing it so that it melts well.
After boiling our mixture for 10 minutes, filter it with a strainer and we can – finally – serve our steaming wine!

If you are in Verona, you will surely find this delicious drink among the banquets of the Christmas Markets, one of the events taking place in our beautiful city.

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